Av. Arraona Talleres 11, Nave 5

08210 Barberá del Vallés

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Córneres o Escuadras de silicona

About our silicone angles and corners

Angles, corners or silicone corners, whatever you need at VARGORT we manufacture it

Compact silicone corners are an extremely useful material in a variety of industries. They are made from a compact silicone blend, giving them incredible resistance to abrasion, chemicals and pressure. This makes them ideal for use in sealing, protection and damping applications in a wide range of industries, from the automotive and aircraft industries to the construction industry.

Our compact silicone solutions are manufactured with precision and with special attention to detail. This allows us to offer the highest quality products to meet the requirements of our customers. Additionally, our products have an exceptionally long lifespan, which means they can withstand long-term use and exposure to the elements.

Manufacture of compact silicone corners and corners

Thanks to our manufacturing techniques, both molded and vulcanized, we are capable of manufacturing a wide range silicone corners. We can manufacture them from a profile cut at 45º and then vulcanize both parts and get a silicone corner with a low cost in molds and tools.

And we can also manufacture silicone corners by manufacturing a mold with the required measurements and shapes and injecting the silicone to achieve the desired silicone corner or corner.

In this same way we can manufacture vulcanized or molded rectangular silicone frames.

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